Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Lovely lace

I am currently without my camera which has been at a wedding in Pisa, seems entirely unfair that the camera should be invited when I wasn’t! I do hope my mum finds her camera soon though as she’s that into taking photographs I may suggest she buys mine (which is in perfect working condition, I’m just not happy with the colours in the pictures though it would be just fine for her) and then I could use the money towards a new compact digital camera. I have no intention of getting an SLR, I do like taking photographs but I’m not a photographer and it’s a huge expense for pictures to go on my blog and my Ravelry project page!

In the absence of my usual camera and my inability to find the spare digital camera (we have a lot of gadgetry around our house as Mr.Northernmonkey is a techie type) I must apologise that this picture was taken on my camera phone. To be fair I think the camera on my phone takes a reasonable enough picture, not so great you’d print them off but they are generally OK. It’s a good enough picture to give a glimpse of what I am up to at the moment anyway.

Lace…lovely, lightweight, doesn’t make my knee sweaty when knitting lace! The pattern is called Candace and is in the current Let’s Knit magazine. It is designed by the incredibly talented Anni of www.yarnaddict.co.uk and I love it already. I finished the set up chart and have knit the first repeat of the main chart which needs repeating six times before moving into a border chart. So far I am happy. The yarn is not that recommended with the pattern but some merino/silk laceweight from Violet Green. I do intend to buy some yarn from Anni’s website for my Christmas (argh that C word again!) knitting projects but for this one I knew I had some laceweight in my stash and that it really should be used as I am supposed to be saving money and stashing down.
I can’t decide whether or not to take this project with me when I go on holiday in just under two weeks (eek so excited!) I know I will still be knitting on it and it is so beautiful and such an enjoyable knit which makes me think I should. We are going with our friends who have a four year old and a nearly two year old makes me think I shouldn’t. If they got their sticky hands on my laceweight I would NOT be a happy monkey!! Perhaps I’ll be better taking socks, I have two pairs OTN and both are with robust and machine washable yarns and both are simple enough that it wouldn’t be the end of the world if they fell prey to sticky fingers. Obviously I will be attempting to keep my knitting out of reach, particularly as I use rather pointy, metal needles BUT it’s children, what can you do? They get into everything whether you want them to or not. They are lovely children though, I'm looking forward to the holiday with four of our friends and the two children.
I must check for yarn shops in the Carmarthenshire area before I go!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I can't take lace anywhere where i'll get distracted. I messed up Triangel shawl while at my friend's watching football and all that calls for is lines of eyelets. My concentration is clearly rubbish!

  3. I already love the color and the pattern!
